News and notices

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Do you have your own piece of news to share with the community? Perhaps a review of a recent event? Do you have a coracle for sale, or want to share a notice with fellow members? Send it to us via Contribute and it could feature here or in the Journal

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19 August 2021

Ironbridge-style coracle for sale, with paddle. Partly finished, never used - needs cover waterproofing with bitumen paint and the inner/outer gunwhales fitted (supplied - instructions available via this link). Collection only from Hampshire.

Price - £150.00

17 February 2021

The Society was saddened to learn today of the passing of former member Dick Mundy, who died on Saturday 13th February following an accident he was involved in. Many members will have known Dick through his involvement with the Bures Coracle Regatta, or his time as editor in the mid 2000s.

We send our condolences to his family.

06 December 2020

As coracling has been mostly out of the window this year and not being able to build more, I’ve happily filled some of this year making models.  After all, that’s what I believe the Rogers would have done.  With most cafes closing their doors and turning to takeaway drinks I realised that instead of my tea coming with the humble teaspoon it comes with a model coracle lath.  So, inspired by models in the coracle shed and thirty c

06 December 2020

Society member and Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority volunteer Dave Purvis recently attended a virtual conference hosted by the park authority on ash dieback disease and its impact in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Within the presentation was a lot of information on how the disease is spread, how to spot it at various stages, and how to manage woodland in order to conserve as much uninfected trees as possible.

28 November 2020

During the 2020 Annual General Meeting on Saturday, we were horrified to learn that the Welsh Government and National Resources Wales propose to increase net licence fees for all holders - including the coracle net licences on the Towy, Teifi and Taf rivers - by up to over 120% for the Teifi licences in 2021. The sole reason for this seems to be to ensure the costs of administering these licences is fully covered by the fees collected.

01 November 2020

It is with great sadness that the Society announces the loss of Sir Peter Badge, who passed away peacefully on Thursday 29th October 2020. Sir Peter was the founding Chairman of the Society, before holding the office of President from 1997 until 2015.

23 July 2020

We’ve been picking up a lot of trash during this pandemic and wanted to be able to reach trash in the middle of a nearby swale. One of our friends suggested we could get it if we had a round boat. You know a coracle, something I’ve only encountered in books till now. Using YouTube and the Coracle Society directions I was able to construct my first coracle.

18 July 2020

Sadly the Bures coracle regatta has been cancelled for this year. We've left it as late as possible before deciding to cancel, due to the uncertain current situation.

We are looking to run next year's regatta on August 7th 2021. Hope to see you then.

28 June 2020

The Ironbridge Coracle Trust, who organise the annual Ironbridge coracle regatta, regretfully decided this week to cancel this year's coracle regatta, which would have been held on Monday 31st August.

Due to the ongoing uncertainties regarding coronavirus, even if it would be possible to hold the event this August, they do not feel they have sufficient time now to organise a safe event.

06 June 2020

I’ve wanted to paddle a coracle for many years. My wife promised me a coracle building course for my 70th birthday but by the time it came to book, she had become too ill to leave for a weekend. Lockdown provided an opportunity to fulfil that ambition.
