Constitution and officers

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The Society Officers are elected each year at the AGM. For the year 2023/24 the officers are:

President: Peter Faulkner
Vice Presidents: Rod Bowen, John Davies, Martin Fowler, Terry Kenny (Ironbridge representative)

Honorary Chairperson: Mark Dellar (Teifi netmen's representative)
Honorary Vice Chairperson: Malcolm Rees (Tywi netsmen's representative)
Honorary interim Secretary: Peter Stanyon
Honorary Treasurer: Euan Raffel

Committee: Gary Fruland, June Lewis, Steve Miles, Jude Pilgrim, Dave Purvis, Julie Rees, Peter Stanyon, Bruce Watson

The Executive Committee are charged with the management of the Society's affairs, funds and property. The Executive Committee is made up of the Officers and Committee.

You can contact the any of the Officers or Committee through the Secretary


You can download and view the Society constitution by clicking the link below