TV documentary: The Real Noah's Ark

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12 September 2014

Channel 4 recently broadcast a one hour documentary, "The Real Noah's Ark: Secret History".

This documentary talks about the discovery of the clay tablet detailing a vessel believed to be an Iraqi Quffa - thought to be one of the earliest indications of coracle-type vessels - and the research undertaken by the British Museum's Dr Irving Finkel, honorary member of the Society, which led to the publication of his book "The Ark Before Noah: Decoding the Story of the Flood" earlier this year. 

In the programme Dr Finkel will enlighten the viewer on his findings gathered from the tablet, and what the vessel is believed to have looked like through the reconstruction of the Quffa.

It will be available for at least 30 days afterward original broadcast (14/9/14) online via 4oD and internet connected televisions (YouView, Sky and others, UK only)

More information on the programme is available from the Channel 4 website